Stuart Broad took six wickets for 46 in 24.1 overs. However, in this match we have seen more expressions of shock and awe from the batsmen than in a whole career, such has been the volatility produced by the extraordinary playing conditions. They communicate no admiration when beaten by the bowler’s guile. They discover early in their career the value of inscrutability.
Professional batsmen rarely show their emotions. What we do, if we are successful, is to stir interest in the matter at hand, awaken enthusiasm for it, arouse a curiosity, kindle a feeling, fire up the imagination.” This is a sorry endeavour for no one can be taught a thing. What is the same thing: No one is taught anything! Here lies the folly of this business.

We do not teach cricket nor do we teach cricketers. “My view is this,” the Professor might have explained to those Project Managers, Flower and Fletcher, “We teach nothing. With what passion Sumner Miller could have demonstrated in either dressing room the principle of Bernoulli with its commonsense-defying effects of pressure and temperature on liquids! “Why is it so?” the batsmen could have asked the good Professor when the ball swung late or did not do so, or when the ball reared with the force of a Harrier jet taking off from aircraft carrier in a heavy sea or did so next delivery with the feebleness of a Tiger Moth. (Third Man, on calmer reflection, may have been deceived by some fiendish impersonator in fancy dress.) Help was at hand thanks to the presence in the ground of Professor Julius Sumner Miller. The batsmen in this Test have been similarly disorientated and taken into unfamiliar territory by the nature of the Trent Bridge wicket that they are playing on and the characteristics of the liquid (air) through which the ball is travelling. This game is in the type of hurry that the hare was in when, wakened from a deep slumber beneath a shady tree by an intruding sense of unease, it spied the tortoise up-ahead a human foot from the finish line, and sped off flustered and unsteady, disorientated by the unfamiliar condition of the pursuing rather than the pursued. The 101 st Test encounter between England and India reached the half way stage in terms of wickets available to each side shortly after five o’clock on day two of five possible days – that is, in a touch under two-fifths of the available time.Ĭricketers talk about a game being ‘in a hurry’. It is possible to comprehend a game of cricket in terms of resource management.